Sermons >

October 29th, 2023 Service

October 30, 2023, 6:00 AM
2023, October 2023

[ID 1: Picture of the current Bethel Church building, which constructed in the 1980s. Picture showcases the vibrant red-brick exterior and towering white steeple. The background is filled by blueish-grey, overcast clouds in [ID 1: Picture of Pastor Fred from a straight-on angle, looking at the camera while talking, grasping the sides of the pulpit. The background is filled by an abstract stained glass piece, while the foreground contains Pastor Fred, a microphone on a pole on the right of picture, and our wooden pulpit. Pastor Fred is wearing black rectangular framed glasses, and a red plaid shirt. His hair is light gray.]  [ID 2:Gloss styled picture of a large, hilly, wide open field during a painted fall sunset, with a spruce forest in the background. A pond is centered in the image, reflecting the forest and field. The pond has two jack-o-lanterns nearby, carved to show delightful expressions. The pond also reflects text that is digitally imposed to sit above the water. The book-styled text introduces the sermon title, that being "Reflections on Halloween". This image, except for the text, was generated with artificial intelligence.]  [ID 3: Picture of song leader Mrs. Alana from a straight-on angle, looking partially to the left while smiling, holding a large piece of paper. The background is filled by an abstract stained glass piece, while the foreground contains Mrs. Alana, a microphone on a pole on the right of picture, and our wooden pulpit. Mrs. Alana is wearing black oval framed glasses, a black t-shirt, and a pink sweater. Her hair is light brown, with blonde highlights.]Hello friends! We hope y'all are having a very blessed Monday!

We are proud to announce we have uploaded last Sunday's service to our YouTube page in full. 😊✝

For this service, Pastor Fred wrote up a very special Halloween sermon, titled Reflections on Halloween. As this is a sermon special for Halloween, this marks the only week it covered.
We also sang hymns "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name", "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus", and "There Is Power in the Blood". As always, all songs are taken from the 1991 edition of the Baptist Hymnal.

It's that time of the year - the sun is slow to wake, and the nights are eager to arrive!
Daylight Saving Time ends next Sunday, November 5th! Don't forget to set your clocks to "fall back" one hour next weekend!

Watch the service premiere at 11AM, or check it out any time in the future at the link below.

If you'd like to come join us in-person, you can check out our schedule here.

Have a very blessed and safe Halloween! 🎃


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